“Vice Admiral”
3 rounds of:
20 Burpee Pull-ups
20 Hang Power Snatch @ 75/55
WOD Guidance:
Burpee pull-ups are a movement we have not seen in a while. These are all about staying steady and consistent, think burpee box jump,
if you try to push even a few reps hard it will skyrocket your heart rate and slow you down. Stay smooth and consistent!
The Hang Power Snatches should be very light, choose a weight that when fresh you could do unbroken, in the workout think about 1-2 quick breaks to save your grip.
What’s your favorite board game?
Box Brief
Dr. Brittny Silke, TILT’s own IN HOUSE Doctor of Physical Therapy, will be here November 20th from 8:00am-10:30am, sign-up at the front desk to reserve a time slot with to meet with her!
Thursday 11/25 – 7am and 9am classes only
Friday 11/26 – Gym Closed
Saturday 11/27 – Open Gym 9am-12pm
TILT Holiday Party- Saturday, December 18th @ 6pm-12pm – Click HERE for all details