Monday 4.22.24

Brenna activating “close your eyes and go” mode!
“Push it to the Limit”
For Load:
Build To A Heavy 3 Bench Press
12 BBJO @ 24/20″
9 Strict Pull-ups
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
Looks Good, Feel Good Class!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Click HERE for all details
Pop-Up Yoga
Sunday, April 28th at 8am @ TILT Waltham.
Sunday 4.21.24

“Sunday Funday”
General Warm-Up:
2 or 3 Rounds:
200m Run/250m Row/500m Bike
1:00 Samson and Reach
1:00 Spiderman and Reach
10 Air Squats
10 PVC Pass Through
10 Around the Worlds (each direction)
10 Scap Pull-Ups
5-10 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
1:00 Child’s Pose
1:00 Alternating Scorprion Stretch
10 Push-Ups
Make up any workout you missed this week!
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
Looks Good, Feel Good Class!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Click HERE for all details
Pop-Up Yoga
Sunday, April 28th at 8am @ TILT Waltham.
Saturday 4.20.24

“Glamorous Girls”
Teams Of 2:
For Time:
24 Clean & Jerks
12 Rope Climbs
20 Clean & Jerks
10 Rope Climbs
16 Clean & Jerks
8 Rope Climbs
12 Clean & Jerks
6 Rope Climbs
#= 165/115
WOD Guidance:
Team time! And was there ever a better team than Rory Gilmore and Lorelai Gilmore? The answer is a simple no…today you’ll be doing singles on those heavier clean and jerks and then climbing some ropes. All the fun with a partner!
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
Looks Good, Feel Good Class!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Click HERE for all details
Pop-Up Yoga
Sunday, April 28th at 8am @ TILT Waltham.
Friday 4.19.24

Vinny warming up his flying muscles!
“Surf’s Up”
20 Minute Clock
2/2/2, 4/4/4, 6/6/6, etc..
DB Box Step Overs
DB Shoulder to Overhead
Goblet Squats
Devil Presses
climb by 2 reps each round
WOD Guidance:
What a summer bod workout! This one is sure to be a crowd favorite. Buns and arms is a deadly combo especially on a Friday. No better way to start the weekend.
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
Looks Good, Feel Good Class!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Click HERE for all details
Pop-Up Yoga
Sunday, April 28th at 8am @ TILT Waltham.
Thursday 4.18.24

Grip and Rip
“Row, Run, Repeat”
For Time:
1k Row/2K Bike
800m Run
800m Row/1600m Bike
600m Run
600m Row/1200m Bike
400m Run
400m Row/800m Bike
300m Run
200m Row/400m Bike
200m Run
WOD Guidance:
Spring has sprung and now it’s time to run!
Honestly it’s probably a good idea to buy some new running shoes.
So lace em up tight and let’s have a blast!
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
Looks Good, Feel Good Class!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Click HERE for all details
Pop-Up Yoga
Sunday, April 28th at 8am @ TILT Waltham.
Wednesday 4.17.24

Did you know Dunder Mifflin not only has a basketball team but they also have a CrossFit team as well? Ask Dan how to join!
“Ride the Lightning”
For Time:
150 KBS @ 53/35
*Every Time You Break 5 Burpees*
WOD Guidance:
“Flash before my eyes
Now it’s time to die
Burning in my Brain
I can feel the flame”
Box Brief
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
Looks Good, Feel Good Class!
When: Saturday, April 27th @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM at TILT Southboro
Click HERE for all details
Pop-Up Yoga
Sunday, April 28th at 8am @ TILT Waltham.
Tuesday 4.16.24

Sandeep loves a good pull-up day!
“Press Express”
3 Rounds Of:
10 Strict Chest To Bar
20 Hand Release Push-Ups
30 DB Front Rack Step Back Lunges
#= 35’s/25’s
WOD Guidance:
Good ol’ Press Express! Almost as good as Kinkos…I can still smell the ink and paper…speaking of ink and paper if there was going to be headline after todays workout it would read “Man/woman walks through door sideways after experiencing extreme pump from totally awesome and fabulous workout”.
Box Brief:
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details *Pre-order a fundraiser T-shirt or Tank at the front desk! All proceeds will be donated to the event.
Monday 4.15.24

Paulo placed his bets on the “over” the pull-up bar
“Over Under”
Every :90 x 10 Sets
2 Squat Cleans
7 Squat Cleans @ 95/65
49 Double Unders
WOD Guidance:
I know nothing about sports better…truly don’t know what over under means…fortunately I know a lot about squat cleans! So much so that I know how much this workout is going to totally rock your socks today! Lifting heavy and then lifting light…what could better?!?!
Box Brief:
Marathon Monday April 15th Only 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes will be held today. All morning classes will be canceled. 24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details *Pre-order a fundraiser T-shirt or Tank at the front desk! All proceeds will be donated to the event.
Saturday 4.13.24

Joe Knows C2B!
“Any Given Saturday”
Teams Of 2
For Time:
1200m Run
50 Synchro Burpees
800m Run
40 Synchro Burpees
400m Run
30 Synchro Burpees
30 Deadlifts @ 225/155
400m Run
40 Deadlifts
800m Run
50 Deadlifts
1200m Run
(Break The Runs Into 200m Sections,
Split Deadlift Reps Evenly)
WOD Guidance:
Any Given Sunday…not a top five sports movie…Remember the Titans…elite! Either way today you’ll need to use good communication and team work to make it happen with your partner.
Box Brief
Marathon Monday April 15th
Only 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes will be held today.
All morning classes will be canceled.
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
*Pre-order a fundraiser T-shirt or Tank at the front desk! All proceeds will be donated to the event.
Friday 4.12.24

Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.
15 Minute Clock:
Build To A Heavy Complex Of
1 High Hang Power Snatch
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
For Time:
75 Power Snatches @ 75/55
WOD Guidance:
Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.
Box Brief
Marathon Monday April 15th
Only 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes will be held today.
All morning classes will be canceled.
24 Heroes Event – Saturday, May 18th – Sunday May 19th – Click HERE for all details
*Pre-order a fundraiser T-shirt or Tank at the front desk! All proceeds will be donated to the event.