Head Coach - CrossFit TILT II Sudbury

Be patient. Be positive. And always stay persistent on the journey to accomplishing your goals! It may not happen today, but if you keep putting in effort and staying positive, you will fulfill your goals and passions.

After graduating college, I struggled to find a profession I loved doing everyday until I tried CrossFit. One day I walked into a local CrossFit affiliate, did CrossFit and wanted to do more with it. I wanted to live it! I wanted to become a coach. I wanted to help people accomplish their fitness and health goals by coaching them in CrossFit. So, I went to CrossFit certification seminars, landed a great internship at CrossFit New England, and pursued my passion to becoming a great CrossFit coach with the focus on helping others.

Finding CrossFit has been an absolute saving grace for me. If it was not for CrossFit, I don’t know where I would be. I was lost in my life after college and couldn’t find direction, but always knew there was something I was meant to do. I just had a hard time figuring it out, until that day I tried CrossFit. CrossFit has given me life! It has opened up a whole new community of people and a world I feel apart of.

As a coach, it’s about changing people’s life for the better, from the inside of the gym to the outside of their everyday life. Making a positive impact on people is why I do this and why I love helping people with their fitness and life goals. CrossFit is what I do and love, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

B.A. UMass Dartmouth

Certifications and Qualifications
• CrossFit Level 1
• CrossFit Level 2
• CrossFit Gymnastics
• CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting
• CrossFit Competitors

Accomplishments & Experiences
• UMass Dartmouth Ice Hockey 2007-2011
• ECAC Northeast Champion UMass Dartmouth Ice Hockey 2007
• Three time ECAC Northeast & MASCAC first team All Star 2007-08 ,2008-09, 2010-11
• Interned at CrossFit New England 2013-2014
• Interned at Reebok CrossFit One 2015