Allow me to introduce our June Member of the Month, Mark W.!
This honor is long overdue for Mark! His consistency both in attending classes throughout the week and as an active member of the TILT V community attending ALL the TILT events, cheering on other athletes finishing up workouts, and a prime example of a harder worker (if you’ve ever watched him go dark in the last few moments of a WOD you know exactly what I’m talking about!), is exactly why we are proud to honor him as Members of the month!
We asked Mark a few honorary Member of the Month questions so you can all get to know him a bit better! Check them out!
What’s something that most people at TILT V may not know about you?
Not all blind dates are horrible, you could end up finding your spouse that way – fellow TILT V member, Sarah Whiteman. A close high school friend of mine set me up with a co-worker of his. Ironically, he didn’t think we would hit it off like we did. Our blind date was on March 15, 2003, and we’ve been together ever since.
Where’s your favorite place in the world?
Tough question as I really have two. The first is lounging on the dock at Sarah’s family lake house on Lake Winnipesaukee. The second is at any venue where Dave Matthews Band is performing. The next show in August will be my 74th!!!!!
What advice would you give someone who is thinking about trying CrossFit?
Everyone gets the jitters doing something for the first time, it’s normal. Embrace the nervous energy and put it towards your effort in working out. I don’t mean try to lift as much as you think you can, or run/bike/row as fast as you can, but rather make sure you move effectively. Also, don’t give up – be consistent. If you really want to see the benefits of CrossFit, you need to show up and put the practice time in. That could be 3 days a week to start, but make it a habit.
If there was a workout named “Mark”, what would the workout be or what movements would the workout consist of?
Aside from mopping my sweat off the floor from the spot I worked out in, my WOD would be a longer type endurance one. An AMRAP 20 with some running, burpees, and squat cleans.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would want to buy?
Boring answer, but I’m practical. I would pay off my mortgage.