Happy December, TILT V Family! It’s been an entire month since we’ve made the big move indoors. What a long way we’ve come since mid-March… I am so thrilled with how smoothly and safely operations have be able to run, all thanks to all of your cooperation, and dedication to the indoor class protocols. So, thank you! Let’s keep moving forward, together!
Bittersweet News:
A HUGE congratulations to Coach Sweet Baby James, the new HEAD COACH at TILT III in Wellesley!
James, your TILT V family will miss you so much. The members at TILT III are so incredibly lucky to have you.
Wishing you the best of luck– don’t forget to visit!
Here’s what’s happening at TILT in December!
Weightlifting Seminar – Sundays 8:00am-9:15am @ TILT Sudbury (spots are filled!)
Kids Fitness Classes – Sundays 12:00-12:30pm @ TILT Sudbury
Bring a Friend- Free Week Trial!
Bring a friend for a FREE week trial! Flyers are at the front desk!
Community Cup Challenge
What an AMAZING performance from the TILT V Team! It brings me so much joy to see you all come together, motivate one another, and truly take this challenge on as a team.
The results are in and…. TILT V and III have won the community cup!
Southborough/Wellesley – 1937 Points, 54 Participants, 35.87 Average Points
Sudbury – 1832 Points, 53 Participants, 34.56 Average Points
Waltham – 1617 Points, 61 Participants, 26.5 Average Points
TILT Facebook Groups!
If you are not currently a member of our Facebook groups, we would love to have you join!
Click HERE to join our TILT V Announcement Group
Click HERE to join our TILT Accountability Group
Member of the Month: TALIA GOLDSMITH
HUGE Congrats to Talia- our TILT V November Member of the Month!
Click HERE to learn more about Talia!
December Schedule Changes:
Holiday Schedule
Thursday 12/24 – 5:30 AM, 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM & Noon Classes + 7 AM Virtual Class Only
Friday 12/25 – Gym Closed
Saturday 12/26 – Open Gym 9, 10 and 11 AM + 9 AM Virtual Class
Thursday 12/31 – 5:30 AM, 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM & Noon Classes + 7 AM Virtual Class Only
Friday 1/1 – Gym Closed
Saturday 1/2 – Regular Schedule, 8&9 AM