Chase Kovac!

Who do we have have here?…. It’s your TILT V August Member of the Month Chase Kovac!

Chase from day 1 at TILT has been a pillar of consistency, and dedication. He shows up every day ready to work hard and is a prime example of getting to that uncomfortable place in a workout, pushing through that uncomfortable feeling, and reaping the benefits of that work! You can watch him climbing ropes for the first time recently, diving deep into refining his olympic lifts, and sometimes you’ll even catch him adding in some bonus fitness riding his bike or running to class!

We asked Chase a few honorary Member of the Month questions so you can all get to know him a bit better! Check them out!

What’s something that most people at TILT V may not know about you?
I used to travel the world playing Magic: the Gathering. When I was 19 I left the country to be flown out to Japan by myself to compete

Where’s your favorite place in the world?
There’s a rock in the middle of the ocean in New Zealand called Lyon’s Rock. I’ve never been emotional just being somewhere except there

What advice would you give someone who is thinking about trying CrossFit?
Just do it! I was so scared of making a fool of myself and pushing myself at the start. Not only was I hooked from the start but the community and coaching staff really make you feel at home and are unbelievably supportive.

If there was a workout named “Chase”, what would the workout be or what movements would the workout consist of?
I brew up workouts in my head all the time!
3 Rounds (R1 DB Thrusters ?/?, R2 KB Swing 53/35, R3 Deadlift 225/?) 2:30 per cals/weight movement
:60sec 15/12 cals row
12 weight movement
:50sec 15/12 cals row
12 weight movement
:40sec 15/12 cals row
12 weight movement
:30sec 15/12 cals row
12 weight movement

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would want to buy?
A house!